y son, you are not always on fire with the more fervent desire of virtue, nor can you persist in the highest stage of contemplation. But you must sometimes by reason of original corruption descend to inferior things, and bear the burden of this corruptible life, though against your will and with weariness. As long as you carry a mortal body, you will feel weariness and heaviness of heart. You will often bemoan the burden of the flesh; for you cannot employ yourself unceasingly in spiritual studies and divine contemplation.
Then it is expedient fo flee to humble and outward works, and to refresh yourself with good actions; to expect with a firm confidence My coming and heavenly visitation; to bear banishment patiently and dryness of mind, till again you are visited by Me, and set free from all anxieties. For when I come you will forget painful toils, and thoroughly enjoy inward quietness. I will spread open before you the pleasant fields of the Scriptures, so that with an enlarged heart you may begin to run in the path of My commandments.† And you will say: “Our present sufferings are not worth to comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” †  •